SEO Heist

All things related to our SEO Heist feature!

The SEO Heist feature is designed to assist users in gathering and utilizing content from competitor websites effectively. By analyzing and extracting key elements from competitor web pages, SEO Heist enables users to generate new content inspired by successful strategies in their niche.

Getting Started with SEO Heist

  1. Accessing SEO Heist:

  2. Setting Up Your Heist:

    • Name: Assign a name to your heist for easy identification.

    • Link of View: Input the URLs of the competitor websites you wish to analyze. Ensure each URL is on a new line.

    • Prompt: Add any specific instructions or focus areas for the heist in this field. This could be a directive to create a step-by-step guide or any other specific content structure.

    • Tone of the Article: Select the desired tone for your generated content, such as informational, professional, or lighthearted.

Advanced Configuration

  1. Understanding the Heist Mechanism:

    • SEO Heist works by scraping headings from a competitor's webpage and generating content around those headings. It's crucial to specify which parts of the page to analyze to ensure relevance and quality.

  2. Setting Boundaries:

    • Top Boundary: Use your browser's inspect tool to identify the HTML container that encapsulates the start of the relevant content (e.g., article container). This marks the upper boundary of the content to be heisted.

    • Bottom Boundary: Similarly, identify the container or element that marks the end of the relevant content. This could be an ID or another class that indicates where the heist should stop.

  3. Boundary Tips:

    • For classes, prefix the class name with a period (e.g., .article-container).

    • For IDs, prefix the ID name with a hashtag (e.g., #footer-content).

    • This guide will include additional references and tips below the video for identifying and using HTML classes and IDs effectively.

CSS selectors are patterns used to select elements on a web page. These are crucial for the SEO Heist feature to define boundaries accurately.

  1. Class Selector: Targets elements by their class attribute. It's represented by a period (.) followed by the class name.

    • Example: .article-content

      • This selects all elements with the class article-content.

  2. ID Selector: Targets an element based on its unique ID attribute. It's represented by a hashtag (#) followed by the ID value.

    • Example: #main-header

      • This selects the element with the ID main-header.

  3. Element Selector: Targets all elements of a specific type, such as p for paragraphs or h1 for primary headings.

    • Example: p

      • This selects all <p> (paragraph) elements on the page.

  4. Attribute Selector: Targets elements based on the presence or value of a given attribute.

    • Example: [href]

      • This selects all elements that have an href attribute, useful for selecting links.

    • Example: [src*='.jpg']

      • This selects all elements whose src attribute contains .jpg, useful for selecting images with JPEG format.

Examples of Selector Usage in SEO Heist

  1. Top Boundary Example:

    • If the relevant content starts within a div with the class article-body, you would use:

      • .article-body

    • This tells the SEO Heist to start scraping from the first element it encounters with this class.

  2. Bottom Boundary Example:

    • To stop scraping before a footer section with the ID page-footer, the bottom boundary would be:

      • #page-footer

    • SEO Heist will stop scraping content once it reaches this ID, ensuring footer content is excluded.

  3. Combining Selectors:

    • If you want to specifically target headings (h2) within an article section with the class article-detail, you can combine element and class selectors:

      • .article-detail h2

    • This will target all h2 elements within elements that have the article-detail class, allowing for more precise content scraping.

Launching Your Heist

  • After configuring the boundaries and settings, launch the heist. The system will scrape the specified content sections, ensuring that only relevant headings and content are included in the analysis.

Additional Features

  • Categories and Calls to Action: Further customization options such as categories and calls to action can enhance the generated content, making it more aligned with your marketing goals. Detailed instructions on these features will be available in subsequent videos.

The SEO Heist feature provides a powerful tool for leveraging competitor insights to create fresh, inspired content. By carefully setting the boundaries and parameters, users can ensure that the content generated is both relevant and aligned with their content strategy.

For further assistance or more detailed instructions, please refer to the help center or contact our support team at [email protected].

Last updated